Thursday, June 21, 2012

New projects!

I have new pictures of the garden to add to the Picasa albums, but in the meantime I'll post a new project which I will soon be undertaking!

 Since the new child has been here, I've been attempting to keep everything maintained, but I'm getting to a point now where I can actually begin new things. I finished one of my lettuce boxes yesterday. I also drove a staple directly into my hand accidentally...yup.

My next small project (now that I have a router table) is going to be a shelf that also holds my bicycle. Here is the picture:

From Home Projects
This thing looks AWESOME. I'm still not sure how I am going to mount it so that it doesn't end up tearing half my wall down, but after I decide on a good anchoring system and an efficient place to mount it, I'm going to own one of these!

The garden turned out pretty good. I have a lot of work to do at the end of the season to prepare for next year, but for now things are really working out well.

We also bought a share of a CSA this season. The first drop off was today. Mostly just greens and a couple of beets, but this summer is going to rock with all the food I plan on making. 

My garden has already yielded a handful of pea pods and about 8 radishes. There are at least a dozen cucumbers already growing and about the same amount of roma tomatoes also on the vines. This should be a pretty decent year as long as the rains keep coming in the next few weeks. 

On a final note, I got the picture albums organized now so that it is easier to find all of the different projects and postings. More to come very soon!

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