Saturday, April 21, 2012

Fence Progress/Permaculture Study

  The fence is coming along swimmingly. I got 12 feet of the total 20 finished and leveled. I opted to do 12 feet all at once instead of splitting it up into 2 - 8 foot sections and a 4 foot section because I had 12 foot 1x6s already and I found it to be much easier to level one large piece than several small ones as I have done before on other fences.

  Once I get the 20 foot section finished, I will put up a gate perpendicular to the rear fence and I may even build a temporary fence across the 12 feet of cement left from the garage. Here are a few pictures:

From Stuff I Made

From Stuff I Made
  12 feet down, only 8 to go...and then possibly 4 more...and then possibly 12 more.

  My final note:
I recently decided to do some deeper research on this "permaculture" topic and found that there is a farm near Sydney, Australia that teaches the method during a 2 week course. In reading the farm's website I found out that they use a book called Introduction to Permaculture as their textbook for the course. Amazon doesn't sell this book, but some of the marketplace vendors do so I ordered it. It ran around $40 and I have to say, it was worth every penny. The author is Bill Mollison, the man who coined the term "permaculture" and the information within the book is simply mind-boggling. He has at least two other books devoted completely to the idea of building self-sustaining systems and this farm in Australia teaches his methods through practice. Anyway, here is a picture of me loving the book:

From Stuff I Found
  I haven't found a part of this book I don't like yet. My hope is to one day implement as much of this theory into my everyday practices as possible and maybe even teach it to local urban farmers and even possibly the environmental sustainability commission here in Ferndale.

  My next update will provide some information about the square foot gardening plan for this year. I've already posted images of my beds in the Stuff I Made album. I am getting close to splitting the albums up due to the variety of work I am doing around the house now. There was never a need to have things separated before, but I need to archive some old stuff and separate the house projects from the permaculture plan and the gardening. So that is what is coming.

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